I have put my Christmas curtains up in the kitchen, here they are.And here's the funny thing: I had finished the crocheted ones last year and hung them proudly up like you see on this photo. THIS year however; I noticed that I have only made picots along the edges of the ONE curtain, not both. Howe could they hang there all last Cristmas without no one noticing??-- won't bother with it though, I'll finish the little picots after Chrismas beefore I wash them and put them away. No perfectionist on this end unless you haven't noticed!!

My sister made me this lovely decoration some years ago. It is put out on December 1. every year. Nice, eh?

I am VERY near the last stitches of my seemingly never ending shawl! Thought I was about to give up when I was at 200 stiches, but I have been faithful and will finish it today. Then I will wash it -and HOW THE HECK am I going to find a good spot for blocking it? Any tips will be appreciated!
Here is another item my sister made me years ago. I have used it so much- and still love it to death. I have had to repair some of the crocheted stitches here and there because of wear and tear! Lots of hours went into crocheting this beautiful table cloth- but it was given to a person who really, truthfully and sincerely appreciated the gift!

A last picture of my felted Christmas gift bag. I have never felted with Peer Gynt yarn(do they make it any more?) but I was quite happy with the result. The glitter yarn came out nicely too, not too gaudi looking. maybe not easy to see it on the photo...

I am planning on starting a skater hat for my oldest nephew this week, shouldn't take too long knitting it. My knitting cafe partner, Marianne is coming over on Tuesday, bringing her knitting, so I 'll start it then probably.
The next photo is of my oldest daughter's angel craft. She made it in school last year and I thing it is a wonderful piece. in fact it's been on my hutch all year together with some other cream coloured shabby chic stuff I have there.It came aout a bit too white this picture, but it'll have to do..

Last but not least today I am showing off my daughters yearly tradition of putting out our Santa village. This is a great tip for all you folks who have children at home! They always come home with these little santas form school at this time of year. And- if they had their way they would put them all over the house, one here, another there, and this would drive you nuts when dusting. SO: gather them all, mark a cardboard box: Santa Village and pick a good spot where all the little santas are going every year.Take the vox out every year and assign the task to your kids. We are using my old doll house, too! My dad made this for me- i think I got it for my 4th birthday- which means it is now 43 years old!!!!! Enough about that! (I found a grey hair the other day.I am too devastated to ramble on about that. All I can say is it doesn't match the inside of my head.