Showing off this year's and previous year's presents

I usually show off some stuff that others have made for me/us, and this is of course the "bestest" time of the year for that!
my aunt made my girls advent calendars when they were babies; here is one of them.
My sister made them stockings some years back. At the time we still kept the tradition of savingsome of the presents for Christmas Day (the Canadian way) so she made them really big. Now the girls have to dig into them- down to their shoulders- in order to find the goodies hiding in the toe, haha. But no complaints- and the stockings look great hanging by the fireplace!
This wall hanging of a Christmas angel she made me a couple of years ago and I just love it! This year I hung it in the kitchen where I can look at it more often than when I had it in the hallway.

My niece was quite young when she made us this wool angel.It's in my living room every year!

My mother in law painted this and gave us for Christmas when we still lived in Canada.

This year I got a beatiful vintage style table cloth from may sister and family. I put it on the dining room table as soon as I got it! love it, sistah!!!

AND she made us this gorgeous wall hanging that we can put up for Hallowe'en. Isn't that great!?!? Who else has something like this in Norway!!! She is really getting to be a wiz with the needle!

AND IT DIDN'T EVEN END THERE!: She took a sewing course before Christmas and learned how to make these little purses- and I got two of them!!!!! I am so overwhelmed and grateful. All those hours of beatiful handcrafting- for ME.
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