New projects- my weakness number one!

This is my newest project; started last week and I am soon to finish it- a bag I am going to felt. The yarn is white and beige, a combination I really like. My sister also sent me some balls of glittering thread that I have knitted in with the wool. According to one of her co workers this comes out nicely after felting and gives the bag a glittery look. I am going to add some fuzzy yarn on the edge I think....
I ordered new yarn for my shawl last Sunday- using the exellent "Pinnsvin Design" website. I didn't know the exact number for the right colour or anything- just described my project for them and referred to this book that uses the yarn in a sweater pattern. Four days later the right yarn was in my hands. How's that for a great website with fabulous service!!!
I will work on my shawl this coming week and show it off on this blog next weekend.
We went to "Julebord" last night with the firm my husband works for and had a most excellent meal and good drinks- but godawful music. Never danced, couldn't even stand being in the same room, so most of us sat out in the adjoining room where there was a nice fire in the big fireplace. Brought our dog with us,but the kids stayed elsewhere. It was an overnight event, so when we drove home today I planned my 1. advent Sunday in my head- and it turned out just like I planned it:
A nice, slow fire, the first candle lit, the star hung up in the window, coffee and cookies, ski races on TV.. A nap under the woolen blanket afterwards and now I have been leafing through the new edition of my favourite interior decorating magazine.
The girls are planning on setting up our "Santa Village" tonight, so I better crawl up into the attic to get the doll house down. We always use it for the "village" scene. Picture to follow later this week.