Waiting for "advent"

The month before christmas is by tradition in Norway a time for lighting one candle for every one of the four Sundays befor Christmas Eve. I have already made my preparations. This year I bought four big candles, used lichen picked by our cottage and dried roses. Isn't it beautiful? Can't wait to light it. Although when I think of the things to do before Christmas is upon me I would like time to go slow....
Am knitting as if I'm paid by the stitches these days.Good thing we had another meeting at our knitting cafe on Tuesday. Two and a half hour together with other knitters sure helps add inches to whatever you're working on!
Would also like to show off my felted Santa- who soon will be shipped over to Canada for my mother in law for Christmas. it is hiding a big soda bottle.

Talking about my mother-in-law; she used to paint wooden things and make all kinds of other crafts.Today I'd like to show off a birdhouse she meade for me some years ago. Nice, eh?!

Hei på deg og tusen takk for ros. Mønsteret på bamsen kan jeg dessverre ikke dele, det er et "hemmelig" mønster som ikke er mitt...
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