New furniture

We are quite content that we bought new living room furniture before Christmas.The old couch and chairs from the 40/50's are still here, but we have it in the other section of the living room.
Showing off another marvellous Cristmas present from my sister: She made a wool blanket to snooze under on cold evenings, matching my old furniture (..and boy did she get scared when we said we were going to buy new furniture. She thought we were throwing the green set out!) I must admit I have been underneath this blanket MANY times after supper already! Imagine all the hours spent making a blanket like this. And it covers all of BIG me!You can see it on the black leather couch on the photo above, too.

My friend who usually lives in Japan is home for most of December and January, too. I take great pleasure in her company, we go way back. She gave me this coffee pot and milk steamer for Christmas - and boy am I having good LATTE with it!

I am still a little under the weather. Today we had A LOT of snow coming down while the winds were high, so I shovelled, drove my daughter to work, picked her up again, visited my mother, shopped for groceries,had my friend over for lunch, made supper and put on a load of laundry... now I have a headache and my throat is thick. But I'll take the dog for a walk and then I'll do NOTHING (on second thought I might knit!!)
Have a good weekend!
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