Third Sunday of Advent

B is finally home from the hospital for good. He is able to handle the stairs with a crutch and the handrail.We are all happy to have him at home after almost two months in the hospital. He is the most happy of course!
There are a few photoes i cannot show until Christmas is over because it is Christmas presents to people who may see it here.
But I do have some pics...

I have stamped paper for the gifts

...and what do you know! I think we might have some homemade marzipan this Christmas after all.

The Cristmas tree was put up this Sunday, so was the outdoor lighting.

I bought a wreath of twigs for the entrance at the local outdoor Christmas market, too. I might put some dried orange slices on it later... Haven't dried the slices yet..

Sååå koselige julebilder hos deg,...og masse deilige kaker også *nikke* Ønsker deg en riktig god jul... :o)
Så hyggelig å se at mannen din er hjemme igjen! Ønsker dere alle en fredsfylt og koselig julefering.
Må bare få si at dør kransen din bare var helt lekker. Mye fint i bloggen din!
Ønsker deg og dine en riktig god jul!
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