A rainy Sunday- made for doing crafts..

It's raining today. So I thought it would be a good idea to show the sunny photoes I took while we were on the beach last week. Beautiful place isn't it?My oldest daughter is lying in the front of the one photo.. She just lifted her head a couple of times and said, smiling: isn't it nice to just lie around..."

Woke up at five this morning due to a party in the neighbourhood. Was up doing a bit of knitting and drinking coffee from then on, but around eight I got tired and had an hour nap on the couch.
I've been on the computer visiting all my favourite blogs after that..(Have so many favourites that I could spend all day sitting here)
Better put some photoes in my own blog.. Unfortunately I startet yet another project I can not show because it is a present for a nosy person.
Went to Hamar to a surprise birthday party on Friday.More than fourty people showed up out of about 60 invited. It was a fun and very special experience. I met quite a few people that I haven't seen for 22 years! And when talking to them it was as if no time had passed- the same connection between us was still there.
With the present I bought for the birthday "girl"(turning 50) I made a collaged card. Forgot to take a picture of it before I left but I was quite happy with the result.
Something I CAN show here is some of my journaling pages and collage sheets that I just do to relax and give my mind some rest when I need to unwind. The collage sheet is still not finished. I am going to add some text and maybe a photo..

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