Stuff from my windows

I'm knitting away- don't have time to fiddle with photo tonight. Too much snow to shovel(how come hubbies always go away when the snow falls, just to return from businesstrips when the driveway is cleared?)- and I have some TV shows to watch while knitting, you know!But I am now at the beading part- and boy am I stupid....
Trying to look at it positively, though. It's supposed to take some sweatin' being in the olympics I guess...
Here's a photo I had prepared earlier for putting into my blog sometime convenient:
Tip for having candles in the window: old "Norgesglass" (used for pickles or preserves in earlier days- when people actually did that themselves!) Som metal thread, VOILA. I have them i n the kitchen. At christmas time I put red ribbons around them.

Or- if that is too home made for you ,there are nice things to buy! I bought two of these for my living room.

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