Staying at home today

My youngest and I decided on staying at home for the most part today since we were pretty worn out from a little too much sun yesterday.(My oldest and the hubby are working poor things..) For her it is hard to keep out of the water if we are on a beach and that means being in the sun for hours with no protection on her head. She was to the point of being sick before going to bed last night.
My plan is to make a quick run to the store to get some more supplies for drawing/colouring/ collaging/journaling. Then I will do a LITTLE BIT of housework (beds need changing, laundry must be done) and the rest of the day I will spend working on my knitting/ sewing on the porch.
It's hard for me to stay in one spot and just relax for too long when I am at home, I tend to think of all the things I ought to do all day.. This is something I know I have to practice to get better at, it's an unhealthy "mind-bug" I have. (the Being a Good and Sensible Girl Syndrome, I call it..)
The crafting stuff I fiddle with at all times is a way of not being som damned occupied with "chores" yet not just looking out into space either. It relaxes me and keeps my mind focused on something enjoyable.
The photo above is from some journaling I've done. ( I really suck at taking good pictures of my journal-entries)
Here is the counter in my kitchen where i spread my stuff when I use pencils, paint and glue

Have a nice day, folks!
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