An indoor evening..
It got chilly in the afternoon today, the clouds and the wind came upon us and we are spending the evening indoors.It's been days since last time!

Earlier today we trimmed hedges and pulled weeds in the flower beds- that is; The Hubby did most of it, I was more like a (useless?) assistant.
We got guests for coffee in the shade in our back yard too, my sister and brother-in-law came (they had spent the weekend at the cottage) and my mother also joined us. They brought buns and we made coffee and provided some ice cream.
I have had some pains in my jaw/teeth despite the medication today but apart from
that it has been a great day.
It is now also settled that the Hubby and I will go away for a weekend at Gol next weekend. I'm looking forward to it!
Here are some shots from the garden. Notice the golf course lawn the Hubby has made in the course of the last two was full of weeds before, but you can hardly find one now!!

Earlier today we trimmed hedges and pulled weeds in the flower beds- that is; The Hubby did most of it, I was more like a (useless?) assistant.
We got guests for coffee in the shade in our back yard too, my sister and brother-in-law came (they had spent the weekend at the cottage) and my mother also joined us. They brought buns and we made coffee and provided some ice cream.
I have had some pains in my jaw/teeth despite the medication today but apart from
that it has been a great day.
It is now also settled that the Hubby and I will go away for a weekend at Gol next weekend. I'm looking forward to it!
Here are some shots from the garden. Notice the golf course lawn the Hubby has made in the course of the last two was full of weeds before, but you can hardly find one now!!
Hagen din ser fin ut, og plena er imponerende :-)
Ha ei fin helg.
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