Spring rain - in February

Today I dragged the sewing machine out and got my circular knitting needles organized! YES!!! I have to buy a thingy for the top so i can hang it on the wall downstairs in the basement where I keep some of my supplies, but it'll be nice not having to tug them all apart in order to find the right one.
At the knitting cafe on Wednesday I finished this hat that I had started a while ago- and then I had tucked it away- and the scarf to go with it was finished before Christmas and displayed in this blog at the time.. Both the girls wore it once already!

I have used Hubro yarn and the pattern can be found here:
After I finished the hat I started on a teddy bear. I knit one like this right before Christmas and gave it to my youngest nephew- but forgot to take a picture of it. This was as far as I got on the knitting cafe that night:

Last night I finished all the pieces that makes the head. This is a pattern that was featured in a Norwegian weekly magazine years ago. At the time I didn't even notice the name of the designer, but this time around I noticed it was DEBBIE BLISS- a well known designer name in the English speaking knitting community. Ain't he cute!?
I have now started the body and I'm opting to finish it tonight. Because:.........

Friday is usually a good TV night. The last show of the evening as far as I'm conserned is this:
Hi, thanks so much for leaving a comment, I love finding new friends, especially clever ones who can knit (I am not a natural knitter) and Inspector Morse lovers - over here there is a new series of 'Lewis' starting tomorrow night - it's not the same, but it is very very good!
Hi Lisbeth, it's Autumn. Taking 5 minutes to check up with you. Will have to read more of your blog when I get time. Just wanted to say hi! Autumn
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