I think i am having a camera crisis!

Right before I dropped the camera, I took this photo. I'm baking a syrup cake, recipie handed down for three generations. It has spices in it like in gingerbread cookies and is delicious, freezes well- and we always bring this cake up to the cottage in the wintertime. Our "March break" is in February this year- we call it Winter Vacation here. It's a week off school and we usually spend it at the cottage. This year my husband has his own snow mobile. He bought an old vintage skidoo, picked it apart completely- and has now put it together again. it's all set for a trial run next weekend. We will have our permit in hand by the end of the week. He has a blog about this project, ELAN 76
- although I don't know a lot of knitters that also take an interest in skidoo parts.... IF YOU ARE A KNITTER WITH A PASSION FOR VINTAGE SKIDOOS , LET ME KNOW, 'CAUSE YOU ARE RARE... and I take an interest in "rare".
I'm still off sick, but I got in with the dentis yesterday, and he concluded with muscle pain in my jaw, just like the doctor had said. He checked every possible thing there is to check- and ended up making me a little moulded thing to put on my front teeth at night when going to sleep, as well as using in any other setting where I'm not involved in conversations. Used it last night and my front teeth are a little tender until they get used to it, but I didn't have a headache upon wakening. And when Iknit or watch TV I wear it. THAT WOULD BE WORTH A PHOTO! I look like that beaver in the Narnia movie when I use it!
The physiotherapist might be able to fit me in on Friday...
I might have a few more photoes sitting in my computer from the last few days, that I can put on my blog later this week..
Anyway- my cake is done! Gotta go.
Så leit med kameraet!
Får håpe det ordner seg med reparasjon eller nytt før mai mnd - det er jo leeeenge til!
Ønsker deg god bedring !
- og du , om du skulle få lyst å dra ut på tur så finner du meg på Dalen!
Tøy & Ting her er jo også verd et besøk da ;-)
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