I have blocked my big shawl for out door use (This one, remember?)
That was the first UFO to get finished.
Yesterday I finished this one: UFO no. 2
number 3 is this one that I should put together...

I doubt it will be tonight; i think I'm coming down with a cold. Just talked to my hubbie on the phone, he's all stuffed up, both the girls have been home from school this week due to a bad cold.. so no wonder I'm starting too. I'm so busy I can hardly breathe.. I better crawl into bed early tonight. Have read Doris Lessing "Jane Somer's diaries" no 1 and just started no.2 two nights ago so that is -most likely- alluring enough to get me into bed. (I'm one of those people who looooooves to stay up after everyone else is asleep...)
Just wanna pop in on some favorite blogs first. Goodnight!
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