Stomach flu de lux
.... is upon me this week. Started Monday at work with cramps and I have been home from work since Tuesday. Can't eat anything without getting in trouble.
Sometimes there is at least one good thing about staying at home sick; you can knit the time away.. This time I couldn't even do that on Tuesday. Spent the whole day in bed or horizontally on the couch. Slept alot. Visisted the bathroom...
Wednesday I was mostly in an upright position, and I did knit some- but not much.
Today I had to get myself into half decent clothes and go to the pharmacy to buy some remedies that might help me. My kids are home sick too, so not much help there. (On Tuesday and Wednesday my oldest stepped in and helped with the dog and some shopping)
However; this is something I have also done over the past two weeks: Noro kureyon blocks for the Lizard Ridge blanket
By the way: It started snowing -for real- for the first time this year, last night. This is the view from one of my living room windows this morning. The birdies like my feeder full of sunflower seeds and the balls hanging from the tree.

These are some christmas issues of different interior decorating magazines form my embarrasingly big stack of such magazines. Dug them out yesterday so I could comfort myself with leafing through them while having my pity party. Good for getting some inspiration.
Hi LØb! I hope everone feels better soon. Your work is lovely and I'm glad to see you are celebrating Halloween. Thanks for your kind words on my blog.
tusen takk for hilsen på min blogg..du har en masse spennende ting du driver med!! liker fargevalgene dine veldig godt!!
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