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My photoes and thoughts on crafts, plus a little more of this-n-that. I like knitting, crocheting and needlepoint the best myself.Nice if you leave a comment.

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Location: Rjukan, Telemark, Norway

I am 55, have two girls aged 18and 21.I am Norwegian and my husband is Canadian and we lived in Ontario,Canada for 8 years.For the last 15years we have lived in my hometown in Norway.I am a teacher and I work full time. We have a dog, Emma. She is a brown labrador. Our town is spectacular; situated in a deep valley right by a high mountain.

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Wednesday, October 18, 2006

a reminder of how precious life is.

It's early morning and I'm at my sister's house. Got up at five after lying in bed, awake, for an hour... We are at her house because my husband was in a bad car accident yesterday morning. He is okay, after all, but I'm shaken up, that's probably why i woke up so early..
He came head to head with another car in a bad curve not far from where I work- he was on his way to the airport to go to China on a business trip. The people in the car who was behind him called the ambulance and then he called me himself while he was stuck in the car..
I usually have my phone in the staff room, but this time I had brought my jacket into the classroom because I had thought it was my yard duty during recess(which it wasn't - and I never mistake Tuesdays yard duties...) That is the only reason I was able to receive his phone call. I find it hard to call that a coincident.
I got to the place of the accident right after the ambulance, police and fire truck had arrived. He was conscious the whole time and made sense when he talked, so tht made me keep my cool. They had to cut the car into pieces in order to get him out.
He was flown to Oslo with the ambulance helicopter and the girls and I drove in a couple of hours later.
It's a miracle he is alive, and what more is: he has "only" broken his hip (scheduled for surgery today) and a number of smaller bones in his upper body, like ribs, collar bone etc.
On my way in to Oslo, my sister met me in Asker and drove us in to the hospital from ther since I didn't really know how to get there. THANK YOU, SIS!!
After visiting Bill and reassuring ourselves that he was-after all- fine, we went back to her house and I got tea, a glass of red wine later , and good , soothing conversation.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Så fint at det tross alt står bra til med mannen din. Kunne endt så mye verre. Og så fint å ha en søster som stiller opp. Det betyr mye.

October 18, 2006 9:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Åh... huff så grusomt. Fantastisk at det gikk så bra som det gjorde, selv om det ikke akkurat er bra med så mange brekte bein og operasjon og alt det som kommer etterpå, men at han lever er jo det viktigste!!! Fyttekatta, jeg måtte lese innlegget flere ganger før jeg forstod hva du skrev om.
MASSE masse gode tanker til deg og dine, og KJEMPEGODBEDRINGS hilsen til din mann! Han hørtes ut til å være litt av en fighter!
Klem fra M

October 23, 2006 9:25 AM  
Blogger Hannesol said...

Dette var fryktelig leit å høre, jeg måtte også lese det flere ganger. Godt det gikk så bra tross alt, men skjønner godt at det har vært litt av en 'støkk' for dere alle! God bedring til mannen din, og masse gode og varme tanker til dere alle!! *klem*

October 24, 2006 10:14 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Uff.. Ville bare komm eå gi deg en klem jeg. Håper alt går bra fortsatt =) *klemmepå*

October 24, 2006 11:34 PM  

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