Autumn colours

Beautiful colours outside my one living room window
Waiting for Halloween. We moved this year and are on the main street as opposed to before when we were outside of town. Since we got used to Halloween living in Canada for 8 years we are eagerly awaiting this one, expecting a lot more kids coming to our door!
The coffee table has already been clad in autumn colours and the halloween quilt my sister gave us for Christmas last year deserve to be up all of October Month!

I made this shawl (Christmas present..) Yarn: Nook and a bronze thread (might be able to see it by clicking on the close-up..)I knit most of it sitting on the bus from Oslo a couple of weekends ago. There are little wooden beads on the fringes. Will make a headband to go with it but need to get more yarn first and they don't have it in this little town.

Fant bloggen din på hobbyforum.Så mye fint du har laget og koselig halloween quilt.
Om man försöker med lite fantasi, :) Så påminner ju utsikten i fönstret lite om din hallowenquilt... färgerna, och indelat i rutor... ett träd på quilten, och du har en kaktus där som spretar liknande i fönstret... lite fantasi, kanske behöver man mycket, hihihi... Men, det kan skådas om man vill, ;O)
Må så gott... värmländskan... kramis och hoppas din helg är toppen!!!
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