Fall vacation.

The whole family are ready to take the week off and go up to the cottage for as long as we care to stay! I can't wait! The hubby got the week off too. He often has days left to take time off, but sometimes he has to make so many business trips in fall/early winter that we end up having fall vacation without him. I hope we'll get some nice, sunny days. The dog loves it when we are all outside during the day. If the weather is crummy none of us wants to get dressed until noon, we keep the fire going in the open fireplace and just sit(=i.e. those of us who knit/crochet/do needlepoint)/lay around...
Last weekend I was in Oslo Friday night and at my sister's on Saturday. Just her and I in the house.. What did the two of us do during the day??? VISIT KNITTING STORES!This one..It's a marvellous hobby store, their website is still under construction, but I bet it will be great once it's done.. It's in Røyken, not too far from Asker.
I bought some NUUK yarn and made a shawl I'll give away for Christmas (photo later, I'm out of batteries on my camera
I knit a pair of dark blue socks for the hubby.I finsihed my alpaca hat to go with my wrist warmers- and I look like an egg in it!!! (won't promise a photo of me IN the hat, but I will take a picture of the hat..)
I have also bought yarn for a booga bag for my oldest daughter who had visited her cousin and seen the bag I made for her last christmas... For that project I bought off white Fritids- yarn (not the best to felt but they don't have Cortina in town..) and I have some thin metal thread to knit in- as ordered!
A reminder: You do read the net magazine KNITTY I hope?! If not: start right now!

Right now I have my purple shawl on the needles- and that's all the knitting that is in the making- so I better start some more projects. it's not like me to have just one on the go....!
The hubby is bringing his computer and phone card up t the cottage so I can visit some blogs if I want to. It probably means he cannot leave work entirely, but there are some benefits in it for me... knitting blogs!
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