Knitting cafe starting up!
I am so exited; I heard about this nice lady who also was interested in starting up a knitting cafe in town. I approached her about the two of us initiating it, and she was in on it right away.We are both so excited that it is going to happen. We will meet every other Tuesday at the Volunteer Centre in town. We met with a journalist tonight, opting for some publicity. So now we are just crossing our fingers hoping people of all ages will show up with their knitting-, crocheting- or needlepoint projects in hand. I'll keep you posted!
This blogging has fiven me some new friends; like this girl in Chile who is also a knitter! We have already been e mailing each other numerous times. Fun! (HI, Sally!)
Oh, and some other bloggers had taken the Hundred Acre Wood personality test, so I figured why not? I ended up as Owl.
This blogging has fiven me some new friends; like this girl in Chile who is also a knitter! We have already been e mailing each other numerous times. Fun! (HI, Sally!)
Oh, and some other bloggers had taken the Hundred Acre Wood personality test, so I figured why not? I ended up as Owl.

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