Fall vacation has started!

About time i posted something new here...
Fall vacation has started, it's nice - of course. Weather is mild, leaves are still beautiful although they are slowly falling to the ground now.
I met with this very nice lady today; we're planning on starting up a knitting cafe. We're meeting with a journalist from the local paper on Wednesday to announce it. We'll have the cafe in the Community Volunteer House twice a month, I hope lots of knitting, crocheting and needlepointing people will show up, people of all ages. I'm looking forward to it starting!!
I have finished 4 skater hats, one for my dad (his birthday was on the 4th), one for my youngest nephew and one for my youngest daughter.They are nice for cooler weather, before the frost really hits and winter is here. I am knitting a scarf to go with the pink hat(Flora, found in Knitty.com) and maybe I'll make some mittens too, to make a set of it...
In the first picture you can see the grey one for my nephew on the needles and my dad's and husbands hat in a bowl of apples from our backyard.NOT good to eat- sour as hell- but,hey, they are nice as a fall display on the dining room table, don't you think?
The three hats in the next picture are diplayed over top of sugar and coffee pots in my kitchen, good idea if you have no real people at hand for modelling!
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