Thanksgiving- Canadian date..

Today is the official Canadian Thanksgiving and we had a turkey dinner- delicious it was. Turkey, gravy, homemade mashed potatoes, vegetables of different sorts and stuffing; in other words- the works... The only thing missing was the pumpkin pie. We had a store bought ice cream cake instead. Very good, too, especially 'cause it was no sweat making it, hah!
My oldest daughter loves making nice tables, she went out and collected colourful maple leaves and we had already bought some little pumpkins for this purpose (and for Halloween, of course!). She made a lovely table as you can see for yourself. (
My dad came over for the meal, my mother is still recovering from a hip surgery so she wasn't here this time.
We are leaving for the cottage tomorrow morning, staying just for one night, but I'm looking forward to it.
On Thursday I'm driving dad to Skien. L

Oh, I haven't told you that one of my silly passions is buying interior decorating magazines! I can leaf through them a million times and enjoy them 100% every time! I save them, too- so God knows this place is cluttering up as the years go by! And it's not like my house looks like any of the houses in the photoes. I can't stand painting, putting up wallpapaer of any of that stuff- I only love it when it's all done and I can sit back and enjoy what I see. We have only done the kitchen in this house. And I have torn off the wallpaper in my bedroom- jsut to convince myself that I have now started the next room (but the progress is VEEERY slow...)
Here are some issues, just to show you. Anyone else have this passion?

Ser at du kjøper mange av sei same interiørblada som eg kjøper. Eg er akkurat som du, eg les dei omatt og omatt og omatt, så eg synest eigentleg at eg får mykje for pengane! ;)
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