This will be a lovely Saturday, I'm sure!

Despite the fact that I still have a bad cold, this Saturday looks promising: My girls made French Toast for breakfast-AND cleaned up the kitchen afterwards! The weather is lovely and there is the yearly event of "Kjerringsveiven" in town. this is a 9 km walk around our gorgeous mountain Gaustatoppen. The town is crowded with women participating and there are booths with crafts and artprojects in town. At night people go to any of the entertainment events that are on or go to a pub or restaurant. My husband is away so I'm not going anywhere. Besides, the cold is forcing me to go slowly about whatever task I do...My oldest has suggested we have an all-girl-spa-evening. We have downloaded some recipies for homemade facial masks this morning, we will sit around in housecoats with our feet in water and munch veggies and dips while we watch movies. There might be some nailpolish applied... Sounds like fun?
oh- by the way I have made a web site about Gaustatoppen myself a few years ago- unfortunately only in Norwegian, but check it out:
Yesterday I had to take my youngest uptown to get a birthday present. In this toy store they also sell yarn. ....Big basket sitting there with Sisik yarn for sale (discontinued colours). Could I help myself when only 15 kroner a skein? Noooo. Came home with 21 of them- hoping this will once become a long jacket for me. Now I'm just hunting for tips on how to make the knitting look like patchwork; there were three colours (See photo of yarn-pile!)
Have something wooly in the washing machine for felting right now- and here is a scarf of some exess yarn I had -I'm working on in it in between everything else...(terrible photo -too much sun made shadows.Sorry)
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