worked hard today!

How much can you cram into one Sunday? A lot, I can tell you that! went at it in the garden today, weeding flowerbeds etc. I definetly want an easier spring next year than I had this year,-garden-wise, that is. Then I did a lot of much needed housework- and got my girls involved- a task in itself...
My oldest has dragged all her clothes out of her closet, having an organizing day. A positive thing in itself, but she has decided to get rid of that closet all together, so after a late supper my husband and I tore that thing apart. on my agenda is KNITTING!
Here are some things on the needles right now:
A sweater for my husband- he doesn't believe it anymore.I have worked on it for three years- with long pauses in between. I eagerly work on these kings of project until I get to the part of the pattern that outrules any TV-watching or conversation.
The other thing is a scarf my youngest daughter has given up on. Fyn yarn, but too hard to knit for a 10 year old -with not all THAT much patience..
The third project is a feltet purse I invent as I go along. I crochet the front and back (the front is already feltet- had to try) the sides and handle is knittet(not in the photo)
I have some other sucessfully finished project - and one on the go that I cannot publish since my sister is looking in on my blog...It would spoil her birthday/Christmas....
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