Granny squares
Almost a month since I posted! I'm in shock myself! Knew it was a while, but that long!
B tried to go back to work half day but it didn't work very well. His boss is new, hasn't had time to start anything, out on travels with management, in his department the one and only co worker started new and fresh in the field of work right before B's accident, hence- he dowsn't quite know what to do by himself. Seemed like every customer yelled on the phone about nothing being done. After six months off recuperating that was too much of an overload- so his sick leave has been extended. Going for his appointment with the specialist in Oslo this week.
I haven't done all that much knitting or crocheting lately- I'm wrapped up in preparation for the oldest's big confirmation day. A Lutheran tradition that often is as big as a High School graduation would be in North America. We are celebrating it a t home so we are working away at the garden, have cooked and baked, cleaned and planned.... Luckily I have today off and tomorrow is May 1. so a long weekend like this really helps!
I knitted one sleeve almost to the end on the sweater, but found the sleeve too wide so I have unravelled the whole thing.
I have however put all the squares I have (so far) together on the blanket of granny squares. Here is the result:
It is in cotton. I crocheted the pillowcase to go with it earlier. I'm very happy with the result. Will make it a lot bigger though.... Just nice to join the squares as I go along because of all th loose ends that must be sewed up. I spent a whole evening on sewing loose ends at the knitting cafe- and another evening at home when I first started, so after that I have done a row at a time!

For the confirmation party I made:
greek meatballs, "
karbonader" (hamburgers sort of),
smoked ham,
chilean empanadas,
Bill made Ukrainian perogies,
I bought smoked salmon to go with scrambled eggs,
will prepare potato salad
and green salad,
chicken strips with two dipping sauces
and my sister is making a dish also..
I baked carrot cake,
my sister is baking a chocolate mousse cake,
I ordered a marzipan covered cream cake,
we'll have "lefse"( thin potato "pancakes" with butter and sugar),
"kransekake" (almond paste rings),
cloudberries / whipped cream
and ice cream.
Hpefully it will be a sunny day so that we can use the porch a little, too...
Wow, så flott det er, ha ei kjempe flotte hobby uke :D
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