
What a lovely spring day we've had here today! I had my mind set on taking my plants out from down in the basement and giving them new dirt and put them in the windows in the living room. 27 PLANTS I HAD!!!! AND I DID IT ALL. But who knows if they are alive. My window sills are packed with plants that look dead or almost dead...!! I sure hope some of them will show off a few leaves by the time we have our confirmation party for my oldest , may 6th or our guests will surely demand an explanation!
Look at this one (actually one of the more promising samples!) Is there hope??? Please leave a comment if you are knowledgeable about these things.
had to leave a little Norwegian name of the plant there..

When I finally had some time to sit down and relax I had my mind on anything else but taking pictures, so this will have to do showing that I took the lawn furniture out and had a coffee out on the porch. But OH WAS THAT GREAT!
I am now going to tell you about a mistake I made that no experienced knitter/felter should do: I bought yarn- sweet and pink. Got the needles out and started knitting what I imagined would be cute slippers -in the end - looking like pink mice- felted, of course. I would send them off to my cousin who just had twin girls. 

So now I'm left with these.....
Good ideas for what to do with these two useless pairs will surely be welcomed by me- the idiot!
So now I'm in a hurry, I'm insecure about my capabilities and i'm working on new pairs, this time with some mousie-grey yarn that I had in my stash- and that I KNOW WILL FELT 'CAUSE i'VE DONE IT WITH THIS YARN BEFORE!!!!
Jeg er sikker på at det vil gå bra med plantene dine. Du må bare være litt tålmodig!
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