Winter vacation
I'm enjoying my winter vacation week so much!

Last Sunday was "Fastelavn" here in Norway. we had a roast beef that day. Here is a photo of it in the making.
We have done a little trip to the neighbouring town, found a newer car to trade in for our older one and will pick up the new one on Friday. We also went to see my aunt and her husband who lives about an hour and a half away from here. Had dinner and coffee there. It was nice to take a little trip out of town.
We are usually at our cottage for winter vacation but Bill needs a few more weeks to be restored enough physically.He is now on the quest for buying a snow mobile by the way. Spending a lot of time on the snow mobile forums on the internet among other things... worse than me with my craft blogs and hobbyforums!
I am trying to get these curtains sewn while I'm off work. Got the fabric on sale and finally got around to buying curtain rods om Monday. Now all I need is to find some matching tassels to tie them back with...When the job is completed I will take another picture of them... I'm not a confident and fast sewing machine- person - and with the winter skiing due on tv from tomorrow and lasting all weekend I cannot guarantee when it will be finished...
Talking about curtains..; I dug up a project I started this passed summer: Crocheted curtains. Have worked on them a little this week since my arms started telling me to slow down my sweater knitting.
I got twenty red roses from my hubby for Valentine's! But I was too late getting a good photo, they had started to wither by the time I thought about it. You're just gonna have to trust me on it!
Last Sunday was "Fastelavn" here in Norway. we had a roast beef that day. Here is a photo of it in the making.
It is customary to bring some twigs from trees into the house, put coloured feathers on them and bake buns and fill them with whipped cream and sprinkle with icing sugar.
As you may have noticed if you come here occationally, I have taken an interest in seeing if I can get better with flowers.. Here is a shot of my orchid that I got to bloom again!! I was proud as a button until I visited my aunt yesterday: She had several- and they had tons of flowers on them. I asked her if she gets them to bloom repeatedly and she said 'of course'! .... well- I'm still proud of mine. I'm sure it's the beginning of a new passion!
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