I have done a lot of cleaning today; washed several windows, washed floors, done laundry...
We are more or less set to go up to the cabin in the mountains for Easter. We are probably leaving on Tuesday morning.I cooked a big pot of chili con carne and froze it for bringing with me, the hubby cooked a big pot of spaghetti sauce (sugo) for freezing and bringing. I shopped groceries till i practically dropped yesterday, and I baked three different cakes to bring as well. Hope there will be a lot of sunny days, if not I got plenty of knitting/ crochet projects and books to read. Besides I plan on writing a speech and a song for my daughters' confirmation party on may 6th. while I'm up there.
Here is a glimpse of my one window- and two of my cakes...(apple and chocolate...before frosting is applied)
I have made two pairs of grey mouse slippers after my failed attempt at pink ones - using yarn that couldn't be felted.. They are big enough to be given to my one cousin's boy twins. I am almost done with the third pair of pink ones now- AND WITH YARN THAT CAN BE FELTED- but there will probably not be a photo till after Easter since they need felting and ears/nose attached after the knitting is done today...
Fantstisk fine tøfler altså syrran!! Du er bare så flink!
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