
We have been doing some thrifting lately... A couple of weeks ago my husband and I went to a nearby town where there was an Antique and Used show. B is collecting box cameras and got a couple there. I just left with two of these plates (that was the start of a little pink collection...)
At the volunteer place we have our knitting cafe every week they opened up a little store in the basement. I found these things to take home:
I also bought this hen for keeping eggs inside. This hen was the reason I went there, but then I got thinking about the plates I got and about the wallpaper in the living room that has a pinkish hue to it when the sun shines- and I bought the two bowls.

AAAND... on Thursday I went to get dog food, but in that store they have a used and antique department in the back and I had seen a set of three tables in the window a while ago.. When I asked about the price there was no doubt: 150,00 kr. B got all excited about my "steal" when I got home.
Sånt kaffebord/avlastnings bord har jeg hatt også. Desverre har jeg solgt det for mange år siden.. Ja, ja.. lærer etter hvert ;-)
Så flink datteren din har vært. Nydelig dukke!
Ha en fin, fin helg!
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