Sock-along 2006

Here are my first pair of socks for the Sock-along I signed up for through Hobbyboden all done- and they had been on my daughter's feet before I had a chance to take this photo. We're supposed to knit a pair of socks every month.The title of this post is a link to the sock-along..
The other knitting project here is a pair of woolen pants for my youngest nephew. Yarn: Nagano form Gjestdal. Excellent yarn!I'm in no rush to finish, they will most likely be for his birthday in November! Pretty boring to knit- but that's fine if you watch TV for example, or want to chat as much as possible while at a knitting cafe! (and our cafe is now every week- upon visitor's request- alternating Tuesdays and Wednesdays.

I have knitted another one of these shawls- a red one like the one in front of this photo. Haven't taken a picture, but it is exactly the same, only different buttons.

My oldest turned 14 on Saturday! It is our tradition to wake the birthday girl with the birthday song, presents and a tray in the morning so I had my alarmclock set even though it was a day off work.Here is the tray:
Så flotte dei sjalene dine er. :nikke:
De søte skiltene var jo bare sååå lekre syrran!
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